Select from a wide variety of options: PDF, menu, video, business cards, web, apps, etc.
Fill in all the information and use our QR generator to get a unique design.
Get your QR code in different formats (pdf, png, svg), print it or show it in a digital format and voila!
Be among 400+ users who use our platform as daily basis
Generate different types of QR Codes
QR codes can hold a large amount of content and at QRMania, we offer them all.
vCard Plus
List of Links
Link your URL to a QR code so that anyone can access your website in the blink of an eye. The easier it is to access, the greater the chances of increasing traffic to your website.
Try it for 7 days for free before subscribing to the plan that best suits your needs.
If you represent a non-profit organization, university, school or other similar entity, we invite you to contact our support team to offer you a solution that suits your needs Contact Us
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